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12 November 2018 News from the Company

Quality education is available out in the sticks! GC “EkoNiva” in partnership with the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, as well as with the support of the government of the Kaluga region, has inaugurated a modern Agroclass based at Kudinovо secondary school.

Educational project Agroclass Educational project Agroclass

The village of Kudinovо is a quiet Russian backwater, located in the Maloyaroslavets district of the Kaluga region. At its heart is its rural school, whose walls have kept their history and traditions safe for more than 60 years. However, this year, exciting new developments have startled teachers and students alike!

Agroclass is a modern educational project created to popularise and enhance the prestige of agricultural professions. One of the main tasks is to introduce students to higher education programmes and to compensate for the shortage of skilled labour for the agro-industrial complex. The project is implemented as part of the programme for training and mentoring young specialists and graduates of universities hosted by EkoNivaTehnika-Holding, the market leader in the supply of imported agricultural equipment. EkoNiva President Stefan Duerr took the time to come to Kudinovо to participate in the official opening of the Agroclass and show his support for the students.

“The children should understand that the future is not only in big cities,” says EkoNiva Group President Stefan Duerr. “There is also a bright future in the village of Kudinovо. We are developing agriculture in the Kaluga region and we want young people to come to work with us: veterinarians, livestock specialists, agronomists, economists. Today it is necessary to raise the level of education and learn foreign languages. The main thing is not ratings and the race for ratings among schools! The main thing is deep knowledge, education of good people and specialists that we need!”

Supporting his colleague, the Minister of Agriculture of the Kaluga Region, Leonid Gromov, recalled his childhood.

“I had my own 'agroclass' as a child”, recalls Gromov, “at home, in the village of Matveyevo, Kostroma Region. I'm from a large family. Third child. We had two cows in the yard, as well as several pigs; we helped our parents around the farm. I dreamed of becoming a naval sailor, but fate decided otherwise, which is not something I regret. Now our students are supported in their choices! Already in the 10th grade, they can make choices about their direction in life! Today 70 billion rubles have been invested in the agriculture of the Kaluga region. We have taken a great step forward! Who will be the agricultural managers of the future? You guys!”

The director of Kudinovо secondary school, Galina Aparushkina, has been teaching and mentoring children for over 30 years. As a girl, she graduated from this school. Today she is actively fighting for a progressive future.

“I see how the state is serious about the development of the agro-industrial complex”, says Galina Aparushkina, director of the Kudinovo Secondary School. “Living in this village along with our children and grandchildren, I want them to have a decent future. We are all united by one idea: we want to give schoolchildren an opportunity to develop their life trajectory."

When implementing the project to attract and train young specialists, EkoNiva realized that it was necessary to conduct active joint work not only with universities, but also with schools.

“The school in Kudinovo was not chosen by chance”, says Ekaterina Stolyarevskaya, head of personnel management at EkoNivaTehnika-Holding. Household plots have been under active development in this area for many years, so children and teachers alike are interested in agriculture. As of this year, they have their own Agroclass, equipped with the latest technology.

Agroclass is basically an immersion in a future profession. Every Tuesday, teachers of the Kaluga branch of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy come to the village school to share their knowledge in the fields of biology, physics and mathematics under a special programme. This will help students prepare for their exams!

“This is a great project for children and parents”, says Svetlana Malakhova, dean of the agronomical faculty of the Kaluga branch of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. It represents an opportunity to receive the highest level of training. No need to hire tutors! Our teachers are ready to share their in-depth knowledge of relevant disciplines. Monthly classes will be held on-campus at the university.

Students will also have the opportunity to visit agricultural enterprises to get acquainted with their future profession. The doors for admission to the prestigious university of the country are literally swinging open in front of these guys.

“Agroclass will allow them to realise their ambitions and dreams”, says Alexey Slepets, acting director of the Kaluga branch of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. “It is difficult to get a place at a good university, but it all depends on the knowledge that children receive while still at school. Agroclass students will benefit by receiving two extra points. It may not sound much, but it can make all the difference when receiving a financially-supported place.

To get equipped with knowledge and move into a prestigious job is half the battle! The main thing is to be able to keep everything while remaining human.

“When I am hiring people to work for our company, I don’t look at the diploma, I look in their eyes”, says EkoNiva Group President Stefan Duerr.” A person can be taught anything if he or she has a genuine desire to learn!”

By Daria Denisova
Source: Website EkoNiva APK Holding
Translation from Russian