We are a family, we are a team!

We are a family, we are a team!

3 February 2020 News from the Company

EkoNiva Group has celebrated its 25th anniversary

Stefan Duerr, President of the company, thanked all the people who had been supporting the company and had believed in it all those years. ‘I want to thank all of you, my dear colleagues! Each of you is part of EkoNiva, each of you contributes to our success!’

Aleksey Gordeyev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, sent his congratulations and warm wishes. ‘Thanks to the hard work, persistence, well-thought- out investment policy and the support of business partners and like-minded people, the holding has become the largest raw milk producer not only in Russia but also in Europe. I wish the company further successful development and enhancement of its competitive edge’, said Aleksey Gordeyev.


Anatoliy Artamonov, Governor of Kaluga oblast, recalled the first steps in Stefan Duerr’s career. ‘Who would have thought that a simple boy, an exchange student from Germany, would grow into a strong leader and build such a large and successful company! Who would have thought that we would be receiving 8,060 litres of milk per cow in Kaluga oblast! This is what I call an impressive result! The country benefits a lot from EkoNiva’s activity. Stefan Duerr is an amazing person and I wish prosperity and success to his company!’

Aleksey Chernyshev, a well-known politician working in the agricultural sector and Stefan Duerr’s mentor, also shared his recollections. ‘In the nineties, we worked together at the Agricultural Committee developing the agricultural law and the land law in Russia’, recalled Aleksey Chernyshev. ‘We travelled to Germany and exchanged experience with our German colleagues. I remember Stefan establishing a farming enterprise in Severniy district, the most remote district of Orenburg oblast, where he started developing crop production. The farm showed the best yields in the region after just one year of operation!’

Aleksandr Gusev, Governor of Voronezh oblast, gave the highest award of the region, Gratitude of the Voronezh Land, to EkoNiva team. ‘EkoNiva is our important economic and social partner’, says Aleksandr Gusev. ‘Today over four thousand residents of Voronezh oblast have a good job with a competitive salary and a benefits package.’

Andrey Travnikov, Governor of Novosibirsk oblast, pointed out the high level of professional qualification of EkoNiva’s specialists. ‘It is remarkable that quite a lot of specialists have moved to Siberia from other regions of Russia and work successfully in Maslyanino district. EkoNiva is doing a lot for both its employees and the region. I would like to specially thank the company for its charitable activities. Stefan Duerr carries out an important mission despite all the difficulties pertaining to the farming business – there is something heroic about it!’

A lot of warm words were said about the company during this beautiful evening. One of the most touching and unexpected presents was a song written by the company employees. One of the lines runs: ‘… we are a family, we are a team…’. This is undoubtedly the secret of EkoNiva’ s success.