Vote for Us! EkosemAgrar AG applies for the German-Russian Award for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
9 November 2018 News from the Company
The German-Russian Award for small and medium-seized businesses will be given to German and Russian companies for the fifth time. Apart from business achievements, the award acknowledges innovative solutions in the relevant target markets. The prize is awarded in honour of the German entrepreneur Otto Wolff von Amerongen (1918-2007), who made an invaluable contribution into German-Soviet and later German-Russian economic relations.
We would be pleased if you would vote HERE for our company. The award ceremony will take place on 29 November in Moscow.
What makes us eligible for the award:
EkosemAgrar AG employs over 9,000 people, which makes the company a major employer in Russia, in particular, in rural areas. We support the development of rural areas by means of investment and providing professional development opportunities. At the same time, we devote special attention to the rational use of the available resources (in particular, soil).
The company provides financial support to social institutions (kindergartens, schools, homes for elderly people, sports and musical schools and veterans‘ organisations) which helps to improve the quality of life of both the local residents and the company employees .
EkosemAgrar AG invests only inside Russia and makes a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy. The company is the largest raw milk producer in Russia and one of the strategically important Russian companies since 2015.
EkosemAgrar AG aspires to become the first integrated countrywide supplier of dairy products, embracing both raw milk production and processing. Currently, the dairy market is dominated by processors, which do not produce their own milk.
Our company has been arranging tours of our production facilities in Voronezh, Kaluga and Novosibirsk oblast for several years. Anyone can see for themselves that our cows live in comfortable conditions. Over 30,000 participants have visited our farms within the framework of the Academy of Dairy Sciences project aimed at promoting agriculture and rural life.