The lucky ones!

The lucky ones!

2 December 2020 News from the Company

The employees of OkaMoloko, Ryazan oblast, have received certificates for purchasing new houses under the ‘Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas’ state support program recently launched in Ryazan oblast.

The program aims to provide health care, social welfare, education, housing facilities and well-developed infrastructure to the residents of rural areas.


The first certificates have been granted to the employees of OkaMoloko – a subsidiary of Ekosem-Agrar AG. Moving into a new house was a cherished dream of the Kondrikovs family. Thanks to the state program and OkaMoloko, their dream has come true.

‘We are so happy!’ shares Artyom Kondrikov, OkaMoloko Engineer. ‘We’ve received a certificate for two and a half million rubles! All we have to do now is find a construction company and start building a new house.’

Yuliya Ryabukhina, a mother of a large family, has been working as a milking rotary operator for OkaMoloko since 2016. Together with her five children, she lives in Aladyino village in a dwelling which is far from perfect. A certificate for over one million rubles came as a complete surprise to the woman.

‘We live in, so to say, spartan comfort’, says Yuliya Ryabukhina. ‘We heat the house with firewood in the winter and we are not connected to the water supply system. The well water pump, shower and toilet are outdoors. It is hard to live like this. For this reason, at the end of last year, I applied for the program. I did not even hope that I would receive the certificate so soon! My kids and I have already found a lovely new house. Now, we only need to settle a few things with the present owner.’

Sergey Dyukov, Loader Operator, learned the much-anticipated news about the certificate when he was behind the wheel of his machine. His family received a subsidy in the amount of 800 thousand rubles, and now, they are planning to buy a new house. Under the program terms, the dwelling will become their property after just five years of employment with OkaMoloko.

Moreover, certificates are not the only benefit provided by OkaMoloko to its employees. Construction of 50 houses in Aleksandro-Nevskiy district, which will partially be sponsored by the company, is about to start. Over the next few years 160 more homes are planned to be built for the families of OkaMoloko staff in Shatsk, Sasovo and Pitelino districts. The company is planning to invest over one billion rubles in the project.


‘OkaMoloko provides comfortable living and working conditions for its specialists’, says Vladimir Kavin, Regional Director for Ryazan oblast. ‘Their children should have an opportunity to go to modern schools and kindergartens, do sports and develop their abilities right where they live without having to go miles away from home to the regional and district centers. That is why participation in the “Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas” program is one of the priority tasks for our company.’

By Viktor Bargotin