The "EkoNiva" constellation

The "EkoNiva" constellation

17 February 2021 News from the Company

Two new varieties have been added to the list of EkoNiva's own breeds. The winter wheat varieties EN Albireo and EN Taygeta have been included in the state register of varieties approved for use in Russia.


For several years, breeding work for winter wheat and soybeans has been successfully pursued at the "Zashchitnoe" farm (Kursk region). The first successful result of this work was the registration of the winter wheat variety with the beautiful astronomical name "Cepheus" in January last year. This winter, two more varieties were added to the list. These were also named after stars with the names "Albireo" and "Taygeta".

"The winter wheat variety EN Albireo is intended for the central Black Earth region," reports Andrei Zvyagin, seed breeder at EkoNiva. "It is a medium-mature variety for intensive cultivation with high standability, very good grain quality and a yield potential of 12 tons per hectare."

The main features of the new winter wheat varieties are the high frost resistance and the significant increase in productivity under good growing conditions.

"The EN Taygeta variety is intended for both the central Black Earth region and the Middle Volga region," continues Andrei Zvyagin. "The variety is characterized by medium growth height as well as resistance to the most common plant diseases. The maximum yield is achieved with intensive cultivation."

Thanks to their genetic characteristics, the new varieties are able to deliver high, stable yields thanks to their resistance to stress factors such as frost, drought and common plant diseases.

"The variety registration is the result of many years of diligent breeding work," emphasizes Andrei Zvyagin. "We are sure that the new varieties will find appropriate recognition among Russian farmers."

Six more winter wheat varieties from EkoNiva are currently undergoing government trials and may be approved as early as this year.