Sharing experience
9 November 2018 News from the Company
"Efficient production methods in agriculture are the key to success in the future" — this was the name of the German-Russian conference which took part in Voronezh on 22-23 October.
The conference is a remarkable event for the Central Black-Soil region, as increasing production efficiency in agricultural sphere in the existing economic realities is one of the primary goals for any business. Smart management and modern production methods foreign and Russian speakers talked about allow for maximum efficiency at minimal cost, optimise investment, and boost profitability.
The conference programme comprised presentations, speeches, round-table discussions, as well as tours of the major agricultural enterprises of the Voronezh oblast. Among others the delegates visited EkoNivaAgro dairy in Verkhny Ikorets.
„I believe that employees are the key to success in any business’, says Stefan Duerr. ‘We have a superb team which has forged a successful company producing organic milk all the way from the field right to the shop shelves. We always set the bar a touch higher, but with a team like ours we can achieve any goal.“
After the conversation with Stefan Duerr the delegates moved on to the industrial site: the milking parlour and the barns. The guests admired the exceptional tidiness and apple-pie order inside, as well as smooth worker’s collaborative performance. Right after dark charged with positive emotion and having gained profound impressions, the group returned to the dairy conference hall for a grand dinner.
„Eight years ago, I went to EkoNiva dairies for the first time’, says Olga Hunger, DLG Association for Eastern Europe Regional Director. ‘Even then I was amazed at the well-trained and motivated staff, who work with enthusiasm and love in their hearts. There is clearly arranged workflow here. For example, the milking procedure is divided into six stages, and every worker is assigned a separate operation. It adds up to higher milk quality, reduces disease rate in the herd, and further stresses that people do their job with conscience.“