Foreword EkoNiva News Edition No. 79

Foreword EkoNiva News Edition No. 79

8 September 2023 News from the Company


Stefan Dürr: "Foreign markets are awaiting Russian milk"

With its climatic conditions, Russia has everything to produce grain and milk. Whereas in grain we take a leading position in the global market, our dairy products occupy an insignificant share in the export structure. I find developing international sales essentially important for both our dairy industry and global community.

EkoNiva started exporting drinking milk 3 years ago. Today our products are represented in China, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus and Uzbekistan. We keep on working on expanding delivery area: attend international trade fairs, carry out comparative analysis and see a very keen interest in our produce in Asia, Gulf countries and Africa.

EkoNiva dairy produce often offers higher quality at a more affordable price as compared to China’s conventional suppliers. At this moment, with the ruble stabilised, we can quote competitive prices, which is essential for underprivileged regions of Asia and Africa. Thus they can ensure more dairy nutrients for a larger group of population. In the situation of the global food crisis, a lot of countries are awaiting Russian products and realise how fundamental Russia’s role is in providing the world population with affordable food products of quality.

I believe that cheese, drinking milk, milk powder and butter have good export prospects today. This May, we had our cheese plant in Voronezh oblast certified to sell to the Customs Union countries. I hope that soon we will start delivering hard and semi-hard EKONIVA cheeses to China and Middle East countries and gradually expand the product range exported, as world markets show demand for healthy, tasty and diverse dairy produce.

It is inspiring to know that not only the business community but also the government sees exciting export prospects of the industry. The state, Ministry of Agriculture, Agroexport and Russian Export Centre have been providing the dairy industry with invaluable help in the past years, including financial support and assistance in accessing foreign markets. All these measures facilitate consistent development of sales and create a wholesome image of Russian dairy produce abroad.

Stefan DÜRR, EkoNiva Group President