Ekosem-Agrar awarded UnternehmerSTAR 2019

Ekosem-Agrar awarded UnternehmerSTAR 2019

19 December 2019 News from the Company

Ekosem Agrar AG was awarded the "UnternehmerSTAR 2019" in the category " FOREIGN ECONOMICS" by the BVMW-Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft / region Nordbaden-Rhein-Neckar.


The BVMW-Bundesverband annually awards member companies of the region for special achievements. The award is given in the six categories innovation/innovation promotion, skilled workers/employer attractiveness, digitization/industry 4.0, foreign economics, company management and young middle class. The award ceremony took place on 10 December 2019 at the Hotel PALATIN in Wiesloch.