Dairy Farming
Our core business
Dairy farming is the core activity of the Ekosem-Agrar Group. The company’s milk output has profitably increased at double-digit rates for several years.
Since the beginning of 2012 alone, the number of dairy cows has increased more than ninefold to around 112,500 animals. In terms of the raw milk output, the Ekosem-Agrar Group is the largest milk producer in Russia and Europe. The dairy cows are kept in nine regions of the country in facilities that are among the most modern in Russia and Europe. So far, a large part of the raw milk produced here has been sold to dairies, with only a small portion processed in-house.
The dairy farming operations also comprise the sale of breeding cattle and male calves as well as the sale of animals no longer used for milk production to slaughterhouses.
The Russian milk market is characterized by a structural undersupply of domestically produced raw milk. This means that less milk is produced in Russia than is processed and consumed.
At present, some 7 million tons of milk equivalent are imported per year. Due to this shortfall, the market continues to offer great growth potential for local producers of raw milk such as the Ekosem-Agrar Group.